This law, offi­ci­al­ly known as the “Act on Cor­po­ra­te Due Dili­gence to Pre­vent Human Rights Vio­la­ti­ons in Sup­p­ly Chains (LkSG)”, was pas­sed by the Ger­man Bun­des­tag in 2021 and aims to ensu­re that human rights and envi­ron­men­tal due dili­gence obli­ga­ti­ons are obser­ved along the enti­re sup­p­ly chain. Ent­ry into force of the law:

  • Sin­ce Janu­ary 1, 2023, the law has appli­ed to com­pa­nies with at least 3,000 employees in Germany.
  • Sin­ce Janu­ary 1, 2024, the scope of appli­ca­ti­on has been exten­ded to com­pa­nies with at least 1,000 employees in Germany.

Important to know: A simi­lar bill is curr­ent­ly being dis­cus­sed in the EU Par­lia­ment, which could poten­ti­al­ly app­ly to com­pa­nies with 200–250 employees and/or a tur­no­ver of €50 mil­li­on from 2025. Basi­cal­ly, every com­pa­ny is affec­ted: Regard­less of size, every com­pa­ny is part of a sup­p­ly chain and has a respon­si­bi­li­ty to com­ply with it.
Cus­to­mers will incre­asing­ly demand pro­of of com­pli­ance with the­se obli­ga­ti­ons, cove­ring the enti­re jour­ney of a pro­duct or ser­vice from raw mate­ri­al to end con­su­mer. Glo­bal sup­p­ly chains at a glan­ce: An illus­tra­ti­ve exam­p­le is a T‑shirt that is trans­por­ted up to 18,000 km befo­re being sold in a Ger­man store, whe­re up to 450 peo­p­le may be invol­ved in the pro­cess — from cot­ton pickers to truck dri­vers. Chal­lenges: Glo­bal sup­p­ly chains often con­ce­al serious abu­ses such as child labor, slavery, forced labor, explo­ita­ti­on, dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on, lack of labor rights and envi­ron­men­tal degra­da­ti­on. Imple­men­ta­ti­on of the law:

  • Expand due dili­gence obli­ga­ti­ons: Com­pa­nies are obli­ged to check their sup­p­ly chains for risks, ana­ly­ze and eva­lua­te them at least once a year.
  • Report­ing: Man­da­to­ry publi­ca­ti­on of the human rights and envi­ron­men­tal stra­tegy is required.
  • Orga­niza­tio­nal adjus­t­ments: The mea­su­res include defi­ning respon­si­bi­li­ties, spe­ci­fy­ing cont­act per­sons, dra­wing up a poli­cy state­ment on respec­ting human rights, car­ry­ing out risk ana­ly­ses and estab­li­shing a risk management sys­tem inclu­ding reme­di­al measures.

Bewa­re of risks: If risks or vio­la­ti­ons beco­me known in any part of the value chain, com­pa­nies are obli­ged to take appro­pria­te mea­su­res. Con­clu­si­on: The Sup­p­ly Chain Act places a signi­fi­cant respon­si­bi­li­ty on com­pa­nies to ensu­re respect for human rights and envi­ron­men­tal stan­dards along the enti­re sup­p­ly chain.
It calls on com­pa­nies to act proac­tively and make their sup­p­ly chains trans­pa­rent and sus­tainable.  Find out more in our free web­i­nar on March 1, 2024!

Ver­wand­te Beiträge

Auf zu neu­en Höhen.

Die Gün­zel Consulting GmbH ist Ihr kom­pe­ten­ter Part­ner für Bera­tungs- und Inte­rim-Pro­jek­te im Bereich der Mate­ri­al­wirt­schaft. Wie steil oder stei­nig der Weg auch sein mag, gemein­sam mit unse­ren füh­rungs­er­fah­re­nen Exper­ten und erprob­ten Best-prac­ti­ce-Ansät­zen meis­tern Sie jede Herausforderung.

Ana­ly­sie­ren Sie mit uns in 20 Minu­ten Ihre drän­gends­ten The­men. Las­sen Sie sich von unse­rer Pra­xis­nä­he und Fach­kom­pe­tenz überzeugen.
Kon­tak­tie­ren Sie uns jetzt direkt tele­fo­nisch oder ver­ein­ba­ren Sie ein kos­ten­frei­es Erst­ge­spräch mit einem unse­rer Fach­ex­per­ten bei Ihnen vor Ort oder remote. 

Manu­el Günzel

Geschäfts­füh­ren­der Gesellschafter

Manu­el Günzel


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