Gün­zel Consulting GmbH is your com­pe­tent part­ner for consulting and inte­rim pro­jects in the field of mate­ri­als management. Our focus is on purcha­sing, sup­pli­er deve­lo­p­ment and sup­p­ly chain management.

Our pas­si­on lies in opti­miza­ti­on. We come from a prac­ti­cal back­ground and are eager to car­ry out pro­jects with you as well as to impro­ve pro­ces­ses in order to redu­ce your costs.

Gün­zel Consulting stands for pro­fes­sio­na­lism, a high level of exper­ti­se and prac­ti­cal rele­van­ce and is your strong part­ner for inte­rim and consulting mandates.


In the short term. Flexible.


Pro­fes­sio­nal competence.
Tail­or-made. Practical.

Purcha­sing as a service

Purcha­sing as a service
In part­ner­ship. Flexible.


Sup­pli­er management in the VUCA world

Trans­form your approach with the know-how of indus­try experts.

Impro­ve your pro­duct life­cy­cle management (PLM) and sup­p­ly chain management (SCM) pro­ces­ses with sound insights.

Trai­ning dates & locations:

Novem­ber 18 — 20, 2024 | Hil­ton Gar­den Inn Riyadh Finan­cial Dis­trict
Janu­ary 20 — 22, 2025 | Sofi­t­el Dubai Down­town
Online: Par­ti­ci­pa­te vir­tual­ly from anywhere

Stan­dard pri­ce: 2,490 USD or 9,346 SAR or 9,146 AED
Online Trai­ning: 2,150 USD or 8,070 SAR or 7,897 AED
Ear­ly bird: 2,150 USD or 8,070 SAR or 7,897 AED
Ear­ly bird dead­line for Riyadh: Octo­ber 7, 2024 | Ear­ly boo­king dead­line for Dubai: Decem­ber 9, 2024

Regis­ter now

Meet the Experts

Manu­el Guen­zel, MBA
Prof. Ger­hard Lech­ner, PhD

Detail­ed con­tent and infor­ma­ti­on here in the fly­er (PDF)


  • Interaktives Bild einer metaphorischen Supply Chain, dargestellt durch vernetzte Zahnräder und Symbole, die verschiedene Aspekte von Flexibilität und Agilität in Unternehmensprozessen repräsentieren.

Sup­p­ly chain agility

Purcha­sing must actively deal with the fact that mar­kets are con­stant­ly chan­ging and the effects of this regu­lar­ly place new demands on the sup­p­ly chain. The desi­red fle­xi­bi­li­ty in the com­pa­ny to …

Here we go.

Gün­zel Consulting GmbH is your com­pe­tent part­ner for consulting and inte­rim pro­jects in the field of mate­ri­als management.

Find out more about the consulting and inte­rim ser­vices offe­red by Gün­zel Consulting on the fol­lo­wing pages. Let us con­vin­ce you of our prac­ti­cal approach and expertise.
Cont­act me and I will orga­ni­ze an initi­al free con­sul­ta­ti­on with the right expert for you, eit­her on-site or remotely. 

Fran­zis­ka Hilpert-Pape

Office Mana­ger

Fran­zis­ka Hilpert-Pape

Office Mana­ger

By sub­mit­ting my data, I agree to be contacted.