
Our consulting ser­vices focus on topics in the are­as of purcha­sing, sup­p­ly chain, qua­li­ty and pro­cess management in the auto­mo­ti­ve and indus­tri­al sec­tors. Our prac­ti­ce-ori­en­ted team of spe­cia­lists and mana­gers uses its many years of expe­ri­ence from a wide ran­ge of orga­niza­ti­ons, indus­tries and pro­jects to help you move forward.

  • Opti­mi­ze cos­ts. Sustainable.


Over­all opti­miza­ti­on ins­tead of short-term pri­ce reduction

Purcha­sing, with all its facets, is an ele­men­ta­ry com­po­nent of Gün­zel Consulting’s consulting port­fo­lio. We have pro­ven our abili­ty to con­tri­bu­te to long-term cost and pro­fit opti­miza­ti­on in a wide varie­ty of settings.

Tog­e­ther with you, we will dri­ve your purcha­sing for­ward. Our approach is geared towards effi­ci­en­cy, cost trans­pa­ren­cy and sus­taina­bi­li­ty. We do not focus on saving per­son­nel cos­ts or redu­cing purcha­se pri­ces, but work with you to opti­mi­ze struc­tures and pro­ces­ses and streng­then your metho­do­lo­gi­cal exper­ti­se. Our consulting ser­vices in the area of procurement focus on

  • Stra­tegy in purchasing
  • Procurement mar­ket analysis
  • Con­tract management
  • Purcha­sing orga­niza­ti­on development
  • Cost reduc­tion
  • Purcha­sing controlling
  • Risk management in purchasing
  • Sup­pli­er management
  • Increase effi­ci­en­cy. Redu­ce risk.

Sup­p­ly Chain

Cus­to­mi­zed sup­p­ly chain models to fit your business

Gün­zel Consulting offers a wide ran­ge of sup­p­ly chain consulting ser­vices, from clas­sic cost approach mode­ling to value ana­ly­sis and sup­p­ly chain design. In various pro­jects, we were able to rede­sign sup­p­ly chains in a tar­ge­ted man­ner and redu­ce sup­p­ly risks.

Tog­e­ther with you, we ana­ly­ze your cur­rent pro­duct rea­liza­ti­on from the sup­pli­er to deli­very to the cus­to­mer and deve­lop opti­miza­ti­on poten­ti­als that save time and finan­cial resour­ces and increase your room for maneu­ver for future invest­ments. We sup­port you in par­ti­al aspects of the con­cep­ti­on and imple­men­ta­ti­on of com­plex logi­stics net­works or deve­lop an opti­mal sup­p­ly chain model tog­e­ther with you, taking into account your cor­po­ra­te stra­tegy and guidelines.

The focus of our consulting ser­vices in the area of sup­p­ly chain are:

  • Value ana­ly­sis
  • Cost esti­ma­tes and models
  • Logi­stics concepts
  • Sup­p­ly Chain Design
  • Streng­thening sup­pli­er relationships…
    Uti­li­ze potentials.

Sup­pli­er development

Tog­e­ther with you, we streng­then your sup­pli­er relationships.

Sup­pli­er management is a core com­po­nent of Gün­zel Consulting’s ser­vice port­fo­lio. On the one hand part of the Procurement divi­si­on, on the other hand deve­lo­ped by us as an inde­pen­dent divi­si­on due to the lar­ge num­ber of pro­jects and sub-topics. Whe­ther on the procurement or sup­pli­er side, whe­ther in trou­ble­shoo­ting as a resi­dent engi­neer or with stra­te­gic fore­sight in the crea­ti­on and imple­men­ta­ti­on of sup­pli­er deve­lo­p­ment plans or the intro­duc­tion of per­for­mance dash­boards, we are con­stant­ly in acti­ve dia­log in seve­ral pro­jects in order to design and use sup­pli­er rela­ti­onships in the best pos­si­ble way. And glo­bal­ly: pri­ma­ri­ly in the umbrel­la regi­on, but also in Ame­ri­ca and Asia.

Our approach to sup­pli­er management focu­ses on the tar­ge­ted management of rela­ti­onships with sup­pli­ers. Based on this, we sup­port you along the enti­re sup­p­ly and value chain, from the initia­ti­on and deve­lo­p­ment of sup­pli­ers to any escala­ti­on and pha­se-outs. Our consulting ser­vices in the area of sup­pli­er management focus on

  • Sup­port in buil­ding and main­tai­ning the sup­pli­er base
  • Sel­ec­tion and imple­men­ta­ti­on of sourcing strategies
  • Sup­pli­er qualification
  • Bench­mar­king / sup­pli­er assess­ment / sup­pli­er evaluation
  • Intro­duc­tion and impro­ve­ment of risk management for indi­vi­du­al sup­pli­ers and the enti­re sup­pli­er portfolio
  • Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of sup­pli­ers / sup­pli­er poten­ti­al ana­ly­ses (VDA6.3)
  • Sup­pli­er development
  • Imple­men­ta­ti­on and opti­miza­ti­on of chan­ge management procedures
  • Sup­pli­er integration/collaboration with the inter­nal organization
  • Audi­ting of sup­pli­ers / pro­cess capa­bi­li­ty inspec­tions / matu­ri­ty assessments
  • Sup­pli­er management
  • Pro­ce­du­res for chan­ging suppliers
  • Acti­ve hand­ling of claims and qua­li­ty impro­ve­ment campaigns

Let’s get star­ted. Together.

Your pro­ject. Our project.
Your poten­ti­al. Our know-how.
Your suc­cess. Our success.

High satis­fac­tion with the advice, espe­ci­al­ly for chal­len­ging […] pro­jects. Simp­le and uncon­ven­tio­nal pro­ces­sing.”

GC cus­to­mer

Dr. Ger­hard Lechner

Cus­to­mer contact

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