The use of artificial intelligence (AI) is a topic of increasing interest in the logistics sector.
Although the potential for increasing efficiency, improving performance and developing new business models is huge, only around 15 percent of companies are currently actively using AI technologies in their logistics processes.
A recent study by the Fraunhofer Institute shows that 56% of logistics companies see the industry as a pioneer in terms of digitalization — compared to only 32% in the economy as a whole.
This finding underlines the high potential of AI in logistics, which should be integrated even more strongly into practice through agile and pragmatic approaches. The logistics industry’s positive attitude towards AI is also reflected in the conviction that this technology can contribute to sustainable and climate-friendly mobility.
In particular, the self-learning supply chain made possible by AI promises to optimize logistics processes in such a way that bottlenecks and waiting times are minimized. Challenges and solutions Despite the recognizable benefits, companies face considerable challenges: The high cost intensity of technology investments and the need to improve data quality and utilization.
Networking between players in the logistics process also requires investment in high-quality interfaces.
Another obstacle is the lack of interaction between the parties involved in the inter-company transportation process.
This can be partly explained by a lack of technological possibilities and high investments. Fear of the new — a historical phenomenon Skepticism towards new technologies is not a new phenomenon.
Even when the railroad was introduced, there were fears about the new, fast and noisy method of transportation.
This historical perspective reminds us that fears of change can be overcome and that innovation can ultimately benefit everyone.
Stephen Hawking, the famous British physicist, once said: “Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.”
This quote should serve as a guiding principle when we think about the use of AI in logistics. Conclusion The use of AI in logistics offers numerous opportunities, but also poses challenges and raises fears.
It is time to use this technology in a pragmatic and targeted way to lead the logistics industry into an efficient, sustainable and future-oriented future.
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